The current economic and humanitarian crisis surrounding COVID-19 has us all worried. I am inspired by how our community is facing this challenge. Our schools and charities are coming together to get food to anyone who needs it. Educators and celebrities alike are hosting online learning classes, concerts, and art lessons. Parents are embracing their inner-teacher and making sure their kids stay engaged and educated during this unplanned break.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still continuing to accept service call appointments, currently, for as long as possible. Most of my visits are one-on-one, during which I can practice safe “distancing”. As this situation progresses, I will reevaluate that decision on a daily basis, hoping to make the best possible choices given the data provided by experts.
If you are understandably concerned about having a service tech visit during this time, please note that many issues can be resolved with Remote Support as well. If you need help and want to try a remote support session, just give me a call at (252) 515-0322.

I hope everyone continues to follow recommended cleaning protocols and safety precautions, together we will get through this.